BP2 – Thought Prevoking Question

Often times us as humans will hear or see something that will provoke our thoughts and make us really think about things. I have had this situation come up this past month and I have decided to share my thoughts on this post.

Recently I viewed the Youtube video called Youtubers React to Sesame Street: Old School (link below).


In the video, a few well known Youtubers such as Tay Zonday and others were shown a clip from a 1970s episode of the children’s show Sesame Street. This clip featured Kermit the Frog attempting to teach the viewer about feelings, and how one is when they are happy. However, his lesson is interrupted when the Cookie Monster decided to mistake a plate for a cookie and eat it. This caused Kermit to get angry and call Cookie Monster things like “stupid” and “fat.” When the clip was over, the host of the video (known as the FineBros) asked a series of questions to the youtubers who were baffled at the suddenness and sheer explosiveness of Kermit’s anger. However, while it was surprising it wasn’t… Bad. One question was asked, basically asking if today’s world would allow something like that. The youtubers answered unanimously that it wouldn’t be allowed.

That’s what got me thinking. What happened to the world of today? If some parents witnessed that, there’d be some type of lawsuit or complain that would occur. The FineBros share more clips which happen in Sesame Street Old School which the youtubers said might not be appropriate by today’s standards.

The sad truth is, there are a lot of people who would immediately complain and/or sue due to certain scenes depicted in the clips. This is why shows now don’t always seem realistic. Sure, puppets going around with sheer randomness aren’t the most realistic, but the themes usually were. Tay Zonday stated it best, “We need entertainment that addresses the world we live in today.”

It’s up to parents to teach their children what is right and wrong. It’s especially harder to control what children watch now due to the opportunities on the internet.

Basically, I was thinking that we are too… Overprotective? Of children now a days. We are also too quick to jump to conclusions such as suing and everything like that.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you think this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard or do you agree? Feel free to comment.

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