Dream or Future

 I woke up. It was 3:30 AM. I couldn’t believe the image which had just been visualized in my head. I looked over to my right to the spot which my wife should have been, but instead only the indention of her body was present. I got up, fatigued but confused as to what in the hell was going on. I heard no indication of where she might be. No rattling in the kitchen, no hiss from a showerhead. Complete silence. I proceeded to leave my room and walk along the long hallway which was present within this quiet house. With each step my heart began to race, where was she? I walked down the hallway past the bathroom… Wasn’t that closed the previous night? I couldn’t remember at the time so I just proceeded forward. I reached the steps and it seemed eerily darker than usual, so I proceeded to walk down the stairs. With each step the stairs groaned with age.

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