Dream or Future

 I woke up. It was 3:30 AM. I couldn’t believe the image which had just been visualized in my head. I looked over to my right to the spot which my wife should have been, but instead only the indention of her body was present. I got up, fatigued but confused as to what in the hell was going on. I heard no indication of where she might be. No rattling in the kitchen, no hiss from a showerhead. Complete silence. I proceeded to leave my room and walk along the long hallway which was present within this quiet house. With each step my heart began to race, where was she? I walked down the hallway past the bathroom… Wasn’t that closed the previous night? I couldn’t remember at the time so I just proceeded forward. I reached the steps and it seemed eerily darker than usual, so I proceeded to walk down the stairs. With each step the stairs groaned with age.

 When I reached the ground level, I walked towards the living room in hopes of finding some sort of sign as to where my wife had went. I walked in only to find the television turned on but on a channel with white noise. Then I heard a thud coming from upstairs, then I heard creaking from the stairs as if somebody was descending. I proceeded to dive under the couch, which had a good amount of space for a skinny person like me, and I sat and waited. The creaking continued until a loud thud announced that this entity has reached the bottom of the staircase and was on my level.

 Then it was silent. No footsteps or anything. But the sound was replaced by sight and smell, as I saw the feet of what appeared to be a humanoid being proceeding into the room I was in. There was the lower half of a woman being dragged behind the feet, and the feet stopped right by the couch. I tried to be as still and quiet as I could. Did it know I was there? Did it smell or hear me or find some other way to discover me? I didn’t know but I damn near had a heart attack.

 Then it spoke.

 “What a shame,” it said in this low, raspy voice. It sounded different than any human voice I’d ever heard.

 The next thing I knew, the couch was being lifted by a transparent entity and the cloak of death shrouded my body.

 When I woke up, it was early morning. My wife was next to me. Everything appeared normal. However, when I turned my head to left I only saw three words written on the bathroom door…

 “Dream or Future?”

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