BP #5 – Brock Lesnar and MMA [Poll Included]

"F5 on the Undertaker at WM30" by Megan Elice Meadows - https://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhsnap_me/13771040465/in/set-72157643777345663. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
F5 on the Undertaker at WM30” by Megan Elice Meadowshttps://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhsnap_me/13771040465/in/set-72157643777345663. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.


He is known in the World  Wresting Entertainment (WWE) universe as the Beast Incarnate. The Conqueror. The one in the 21 and 1 of the Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak. However, prior to his April of 2012 return to the WWE, he was known as Brock Lesnar – UFC Heavyweight champion of the world.

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BP #4 – Half-Life Universe Theory

Alright, we’re going to head into gaming territory for a moment. What are we going to talk about? We are going to talk about one of the best games in the history of games, one of the best stories in the history of stories… And one of the most thought prevoking universe in a while.

We will be talking about Half-Life. Not just the Half-Life game but instead the Universe in general.

So keep reading and I will share with you a few things concerning Half-Life. Just so you know there are going to be spoilers in this post, so if somehow you have not played the game, be aware…

*Spoiler Alert*

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BP #3 – The College Life… From A Distance?

So over the weekend of July 18-July 21, I had the pleasure of attending a weekend-long journalism camp hosted by the company known as Balfour. The camp happened at Texas A&M and included me actually living on the campus, dining there, and essentially being a college student. You’re probably thinking, “So what?” Well, I don’t blame you. But if you want to hear about my experience, please feel free to keep reading!

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