Dream or Future

 I woke up. It was 3:30 AM. I couldn’t believe the image which had just been visualized in my head. I looked over to my right to the spot which my wife should have been, but instead only the indention of her body was present. I got up, fatigued but confused as to what in the hell was going on. I heard no indication of where she might be. No rattling in the kitchen, no hiss from a showerhead. Complete silence. I proceeded to leave my room and walk along the long hallway which was present within this quiet house. With each step my heart began to race, where was she? I walked down the hallway past the bathroom… Wasn’t that closed the previous night? I couldn’t remember at the time so I just proceeded forward. I reached the steps and it seemed eerily darker than usual, so I proceeded to walk down the stairs. With each step the stairs groaned with age.

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Sam pulled into the narrow driveway of his mother’s house. He stared at the house before getting out, having a strange and uneasy feeling. As he started to get out, the wind picked up in speed. It wasn’t your typical Autumn wind either, it was that type of wind that froze you to where you stood. That wind that went past your skin, tissues, muscles, and straight to the marrow of your bones. The kind that you wouldn’t expect to feel on the coldest day in Antarctica. He didn’t know what to think though, so he decided to walk to the door.

He knocked once and the door gently pushed open, which struck Sam as odd. His mother was big into home security, and always wanted her door locked whenever possible. So to have her with an unlocked door when nobody appeared to be visiting, well that was odd.

So what brought Sam to his mother’s house? He received a call from his mom asking for him to go to Krogers and buy some peas, and join her for dinner, to which Sam agreed to do. The trip took about 30 minutes from his house, to Krogers, and to his Mom’s house, but the entire time he couldn’t help but feel that his mom sounded kind of strange.

He started walking towards the living room, hoping that’s where his mother would be. As he got closer, he first noticed the faint metallic smell of blood, which was shortly followed with bloody footprints. The footprints led to the cellar, and Sam stood still, frozen with fear. He didn’t know whether to check the living room, or to follow the footprints. He chose the living room, knowing that he may regret what he sees.

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