Society’s Words

At what point is alone really “alone?”

Is it when a person has nobody to talk to on the phone

Or is it when a person is stranded on the side of the road with no place to call home?

It seems as if human minds have been shrouded from what things really mean

Words like “love” and “alone” are spewed from mouths with a misconception of what a word means

The three words “I love you” are often only spoken now with one three lettered word in mind.

And words like “alone” and “no text messages” are confused as one of a kind.

This is no game of Yahtzee

All it takes is one thing to see that words like these are not what society makes them out to be

That words like these are realized when the word comes from the hear

Something everyone has, even if they may not be too smart.

Our hearts are our own

But our ears hear what others say, often spread from another source from which their own ears heard.

Instead of listening to others, people should listen to their heart

For only the heart truly knows the meaning of words like “love” and “alone”

But how does a person know if their heart is right?

Well, I’m not Mr. Myagi, but I’d say “if it comes from inside of you, it’s right.”

However, be really careful with the next step

And ensure that what you feel is from your heart, and not from what is considered right from sources like the World Wide Web.

Only we can be our own judges on what is right.

If a person’s heart feels the cold grasp of loneliness

Or is captured by love’s warm coziness

They’ll know. For it will be a feeling that has never been felt before.